Forget Me Not - Dementia Trail @CE Fest 2018 w NUS Soci Society

It's a wrap! Community Engagement Festival 2018 has come to an end and the SI Wing is proud to have contributed two trails for the festival. The first being this, Forget Me Not - Dementia Trail; the second being the Homeless Experiential Trail. It has been an enriching journey for all the organizing members involved, starting from the ideation of the concept, crafting out the activities and executing the trail.

The Forget Me Not - Dementia Trail started by partnering NUS Sociology Society, blending sociology concepts into CAPT's community engagement. "Forget Me Not" is actually another name for Myosotis, a flower that symbolises memory and is given to a person in hopes the receiver will remember the giver. Similarly, we wanted to bring across the issue of Dementia, encapsulated by the "Forget Me Not" flower. This trail is built on the ethos of Community Engagement and Asset-Based Community Development framework. 

The trail involves three parts:
1. Interacting with the elderly at Wellness Kampung Chong Pang (Through games and conversation)
2. Sharing session by Dr Ng Chong Jin from Forget Us Not (FUN) Campaign on Dementia Awareness
3. Community walk conducted by NUS Sociology Society

A group of students (alongside one CAPT fellow) visited Chong Pang City on 23rd March 2018, Friday for this trail. Stay tune for the learning objectives and reflections from some of the participants!

~ Benson