This week’s reading session is centred on Environmental Conservation in Nepal, led by Mr Lim! Nepal is still an emerging market that struggles to balance between the need for economic growth and environmental conservation. Our reading assignments this week are A review of hydropower projects in Nepal and Role of ecotourism in environmental conservation and socioeconomic development in Annapurna conservation area, Nepal. The articles introduced the concept of Hydropower and Ecotourism in Nepal’s context and how they could be a potential middle ground between the two conflicting goals.
is the balance of biodiversity, nature conservation and economy stimulation. Tourists’
dollars earned from their interaction with the environment are usually channeled
right back to sustainable practices and environmental conservation. Some key
benefits of ecotourism are employment generation, specifically in guided
services, vehicular transport, sales of souvenirs, food and accommodation. In the
long run, indirect socioeconomic developments soon appear, and the locals enjoy
higher standards of living such as better education and healthcare.
Yet what
most people fail to see is the more insidious side of ecotourism – the environmental
degradation that tourists leave behind. As human density around natural spaces
increase, the demand for resources skyrockets. Firewood is usually the main source
of fuel in Nepal, and as millions of tourists stream into the country, forests in
protected areas are cut down. The widespread deforestation has a cascade effect
on the rest of the environment as landslides and soil erosion becomes more
rampant. In addition, tourists and hikers are leaving behind a trash trail on
the mountains, especially on popular trails.
in Nepal is relatively an underdeveloped source of electricity. Nepal has
naturally steep terrain and extensive river systems that are geographical
advantages for hydropower to be harnessed. Electricity generated from
hydropower are cheap, renewable and most importantly, clean! However, only 3%
of Nepal’s electricity comes from hydropower and much could be developed in
this area of clean energy. In addition, the government will also have to
consider about the environmental impact and ways to mitigate issues such as
cross-riparian conflict.
Benson and Donovan shared their Recce Trip with us at the end of the session.
It was exciting to get a sneak peak of what we will be expecting when we finally
head over to Nepal in May. The mountains, the roads, the view, I can already
imagine myself looking over the treetops to witness the amazing sunset… Sigh,
all of us were already in a dreamy state after their presentation. Well, just 2
more monthes till we bid Singapore farewell and say Hello to Nepal!
Written by Sin Yeou